[Al-Qaeda online magazine] is real?

Bin Laden et al. Name change consideration of the temporary ... International terrorist organization al-Qaeda as the is the online magazine [INSPIRE] is, has become a hot topic in the United States, such as the media. According to the US Mcafee blog (Japanese translation), INSPIRE may not be what al-Qaeda, that fear has also been pointed out that viruses and spyware are incorporated. image From blog INSPIRE is reported that English magazine that al-Qaeda to date issued. Magazine in all of the pages, the read only the first page. The kitchen, such as packing for the process and jihad (holy war) to make a bomb has been featured in, and later page that blurred image and ASCII character code is displayed. Blog author of Macfee is, report this file has a suspicion that is intended to spread the virus and Supawea using the topicality of [al-Qaeda magazine], the results of the examination of subsequent page. In addition there was a trace seen and was made gathered content that is published on the Web, it has also discovered that there is the same name of the online newspaper using a lookalike layout and font and [INSPIRE].

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