Post was cryptic al-Qaeda of the encrypted message is a prank?

Bin Laden et al. Name change consideration of the temporary ... Last week, the news group on the Internet, appears to be the encrypted message to convey the command to the al-Qaeda terrorists, a large amount of writing has been posted. It contents as to suggest al-Qaeda for the next attack, but experts have determined that the fake. The real purpose is also pointed out that it is harassment of anti-spam activists and anti-mass-consumerism activists. facebook share Brian McWilliams 00 years 0 days Last week, appears to be the encrypted message to convey the command to the al-Qaeda terrorists, a large amount of writing, was posted to news groups on the Internet. However, experts have said that it is clearly a prank. The posted message title, [al-Qaeda of the next attack] contains the word, date the message began to appear in news group (US time) before and after, growing tension between the part of the Internet users which was. [Is this would be a prelude to attacks on the Internet? Authorities than is better to contact the (Office of Homeland Security, etc.

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